Call for Cast - 5th Social Economic Award 2015
If your organization is working on a CSR initiative, it’s now time to Apply & Win the Social Economic Award, during a Gala Dinner organized for the 5th consecutive year under the patronage of His Excellency Governor of Banque du Liban Riad Salamé at Casino du Liban, on MTV.
To fill an application online, please visit the link below:
SEA is the first of its kind award in Lebanon that honors the Private & Public sectors. It is a pioneering initiative in the region
that presents Awards to institutions for their CSR initiatives, in a Gala Dinner that gathers the social and economic elite to grant
institutions moral support and encourage them to secure the ongoing growth of the national economy.
The presentation of awards is based on the idea of honoring leading Public and Private Institutions in Lebanon & abroad in banking,
trade, industry, education and franchising for developing concepts and products that promote welfare, a better environment, create
employment offer, preserve the identity, history and heritage and thus have a Positive National Impact.
We believe that recognizing the endeavors of institutions from different categories in the economic and social sectors will improve
the state of the less fortunate and positively reflect on the entire society.
Awards will be distributed across different sectors by Ministers, MPs, and prominent business figures.
The Jury consists of experts in the socio –economic fields. The selections will be based on transparent categorization according to international
standards objectives.
Following the screening and pre-selection of applicants, live presentation will take place in front of the Jury for accurate evaluations.
During the previous years, more than 500Figures were present from the prominent Social, Economic & Banking fields during the event.
We hope that the SEA 2015 event will be even more successful. MTV will broadcast exclusively the event, which will be also covered by
our vast Media Partners.
Deadline to submit application for SEA 2015 candidacy: End of September 2015.