
BLF & Kunhadi Winners at the Social Economic Award 2014

H.E. Mr. Selim El Sayegh honoring BLF, represented by Mrs. Carla Jreidini, and Kunhadi, represented by Mrs. Lena Gebran, for the Public Safety Category

Aware of the fact that in 2012, 4804 car accidents occurred, injuring 6697 and killing 595 people, BLF decided to contribute to decreasing car accident fatalities by selecting Kunhadi as its humanitarian partner for 2013/2014. Knowing the most accident result from driver’s behavior, Kunhadi aims at decreasing the 6 most common causes of car accidents:

  • Speed driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Not wearing a helmet
  • Fatigue driving
  • Not fastening the seat belt
  • Use of mobile phones while driving

BLF’s partnership with Kunhadi comprises the following: "Public Awareness"

Financial Support, Sponsoring of Taxi Night, Organization of 40 schools conferences, Sensitize youngsters by having them sign a BLF-Kunhadi safe driving pledge, Distribution of stickers promoting safe driving to students & Raise awareness among internal & external stakeholders.
